The Penn State Alumni AssociationWhat’s been happening: When Mary Lou Adams dropped by Nittany Del less than a month after transferring to Penn State, she never anticipated what effect a chance encounter there would have on her life. The encounter was with John Davison (Engr'52). After their graduations from State and his from Army OCS, the two were married and her career was determined by his. Stay-at-home-mom was the norm, giving-back was not on everyone's lips, but Mary Lou did both. In NC, concerned by voting rights abuses, she worked for a 2-party system. Always involved in church, she was a trainer for new Presbyterian curricula. Once in NY and working as a Director of Christian Education, she also helped persuade state legislators to allow the small local hospital to stay open. On a conservation board she joined successful efforts to reverse pollution of Lake Erie. Creating a 125th anniversary edition of the local weekly newspaper led to employment as its editor. Moving to Rochester, she turned to manual writing for a computer company and channeled her creativity to church Mission Fairs. With conservation still important she turned to the zoo, managing biofacts and guiding docent efforts at the zoo's environmental fairs. Always foremost were John and their 3 children: David and Jeanne, now computer programmers living in the Rochester area, and Brian, chief scientist for biology & biotechnology at Oak Ridge National Lab. |